Order of Interbeing | Tiep Hien

Category: Aspirants

  • A New Aspirancy Application Packet

    A New Aspirancy Application Packet

    Following many months of diligent work by the Order of Interbeing Committee, Dharma Teachers Sangha Caretaking Council, and the elders in the monastic community, we are now able to offer an revised and updated Order of Interbeing Aspirancy Application Packet. This new packet should be used by any new aspirants in North America. Ahora disponible…

  • North American Ordination (2015 Only)

    North American Ordination (2015 Only)

    Dear Dharma Teachers, Dear Order Members, Dear Aspirants, In 2015 there will be three opportunities for aspirants from North America to be ordained into the Order of Interbeing. In order to facilitate the process, the Care-taking Council of the Dharma Teachers Sangha of North America (including both monastics and lay) have clarified the requirements, criteria,…

  • A New OI Aspirant

    As I walked with the Sangha through the Oak Grove at Deer Park last summer I heard myself say, “I am a good wife.”  I was startled and happy to hear that spontaneous belief.  For years, when I became irritated, impatient, or outright angry with my husband, I would say to myself, “What a lousy…

  • North American Ordination (2013 Only)

    Dear Dharma Teachers, Dear Order Members, Dear Aspirants, In 2013 there will be three opportunities for aspirants from North America to be ordained into the Order of Interbeing. In order to facilitate the process, the Care-taking Council of the Dharma Teachers Sangha of North America (including both monastics and lay) have clarified the requirements, criteria,…

  • Order of Interbeing Aspirant Application

    After announcing your intention of aspiration, as per the Charter of the Order of Interbeing, the form linked below implement the Aspirancy process. An Aspirant to the Core Community of the Order of Interbeing (OI) is on the Bodhisattva path.  Bodhisattvas appreciate the help of all teachers and mentors. To promote consistency in mentoring and…

  • Mentoring Qualifications

    Mentor qualification in our sangha has a long history of experimentation and evolution. We have arrived at a point where we can now bring all this experimentation and evolution together into a coherent and comprehensive system. Our basic goal in mentoring has always been to to support each other in deepening our practice and strengthening…

  • Pre-Aspirant Checklist

    During the past two years, the Dharma Teachers Sangha of North America has been working diligently to produce a more formal application process for Order of Interbeing aspirants. The work is completed (approved 11/07/2012) and the information will be distributed to dharma teachers in the coming month. In managing this web site, a very common question that…