Beloved Community: Kingian Nonviolence and the Plum Village Tradition

Wednesday, October 21, 2020
4:30pm – 6:00pm
Pacific Time Zone
Offered via Zoom

Please join us for a conversation with Kazu Haga, author of Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm published by Parallax Press. Hosted by Kenley Neufeld. Advance registration is required. When you register, you will receive a 30% discount code for purchasing the book. There is no fee to register, and everybody is welcome to attend regardless of ability to pay. An opportunity will be offered to participants to give gifts to Kazu or his organization of choice.

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In our conversation, we will consider Kingian nonviolence and beloved community within the context of the Order of Interbeing Mindfulness Trainings and the Plum Village Tradition.

Healing Resistance book cover

We need this book like oxygen, Kazu Haga is my teacher.

Joanna Macy, author of World as Lover, World as Self

Both Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Martin Luther King speak of beloved community. As I read the Six Principles of Nonviolence, I can’t help but draw parallels with the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings of the Order of Interbeing. Like the Trainings, the Principles are interconnected. They inter-are. And practicing one we can practice all the other ones.

As Kazu writes, “nonviolence is about action, not inaction.” This is an important concept to understand about nonviolence. He continues, “Nonviolence gives us an alternative way of responding: to face. Facing means looking your assailant in the eye, not backing down, not giving into fear, and not reacting in kind.” And perhaps most importantly, nonviolence allows us to heal. 

Kazu Haga’s deep, nuanced, and principled commitment to nonviolence has challenged and inspired me and many others.

Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow

As the founder of the East Point Peace Academy and core member of the Ahimsa Collective, Kazu Haga is a teacher and practitioner of nonviolence, restorative justice, meditation, community organizing, and movement building, and he works in prisons, schools, and community settings. He resides in Oakland, California.